Self-Collection or $300 above free delivery
【Product】Barley young leave
【Origin】Made in Japan
【Specifications】 25 袋
【How to consume】Daily one or two packs with 45℃ warm water before meals, can also be added into yogurt
【Expiry date】2024.02
【产品】大麦若叶 x 酵素汁
【产 地】日本制造
【规格】25 packets
【服用方式】每天 1-2袋,温水,饭前,也可以加入酸奶里
Our barley leaves are from Japan and are made from organic barley germ, Kyushu olives, and Okinawa small bitter gourd. Rich in vitamins, chlorophyll, is the king of alkaline food. Contains more than 20 proteolytic enzymes. Improve the absorption of protein in the stomach. Long-term drinking helps to lower body sugar. Helps to lower fats in the blood and improve acidic body. At the same time, it contains 264 kinds of plant fermented enzymes that can help to improve the body's metabolism.
我们的大麦若叶来自日本,由有机大麦胚芽、九州橄榄菜和冲绳小苦瓜制成。 富含维生素、叶绿素,是碱性食品之王。含有20多种蛋白水解酶。 有助于胃中蛋白质的吸收。 长期饮用可以改善体内糖分。 改善血液中的脂肪,改善酸性体质。同时含有264种植物发酵的酵素可以帮助改善身体的新陈代谢。
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